Thursday 10 July 2014

Peace: 2face collaborates with the Red Cross Society of Nigeria (PHOTOS)

COSON Chairman, Tony Okoroji (2nd left) and Efe Omorogbe (Ist right) joined other representatives of the Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

Efe Omorogbe (Ist right) with other representatives of the Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

From left: COSON Chairman, Tony Okoroji, Essence, 2face K Slim and Romeo at the event.

2face with representatives of the Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

Romeo, K Slim and Efe Omorogbe

COSON Chairman, Tony Okoroji and 2face

Helen Abutu of NM Encore, 2face and Rhiemen Omorogbe and other representatives of the Red Cross Society of Nigeria.

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