Tuesday 24 September 2013


2face Foundation flagged off it’s a million voices for peace (MVP) project last Saturday and Now Muzik, the label managing the legend, was not left out in the successful history making event. Mr. Efe Omorogbe, CEO of Now Muzik, speaks further on it.

We are stepping up
We don’t have plans to repeat the launch; we’ve done the flag off. We would step up the campaign to have people register. The foundation is in the process of redesigning its programmes and they would unveil it very soon. We would execute going forward. There is going to be a lot activities but definitely not a re-launch.

It’s really buzzing
We have a lot of media partners. We also have a tech partner; Airtel offered their support in terms of reaching subscribers from its pool of customers. They are pushing messages. Our television and radio partners are also playing their parts. There is a lot of online buzz from our online partners also.

There are responses already, organizations and individuals have been calling to know how they can partner with 2face Foundation.

We are starting in Nigeria but it is a global thing
It’s a global community. Unfortunately, peace is something that is badly needed here in Nigeria. We are still trying to come to terms with the mayhem in Kenya over the last couple of days.

Technically, we are Nigerians, the foundation is here so also is 2face, we have a crisis situation on our hand so it is only logical that the campaign starts here but it is by no means intended to be limited to just Nigeria.

The outlook is global. For now the focus is peace building. Everywhere there is need for serious peace building effort, the foundation is very enthusiastic to partner with other oganisations and individuals working toward the same goal.

Just two days old but great impact
We flagged off two days ago and already we are in partnership with the National Institute of Peace and Conflict Resolution. We supported and participated in the World Peace Day march and we also had the 2face Peace Awards ceremony on Saturday (September 21).

As we speak, we are already looking at areas where we can immediately work together to create maximum impact. Very well established organizations with track records like DFID and UNDP are also already in talks with the foundation for collaboration.

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