Thursday 28 June 2012

Time management @ work

Having issues making enough time to get everything done during your workday? At some point you probably have stated that there are not enough hours in the day, and that you also want to avoid bringing work home. What we can all benefit from are skills to help manage the time better. Here are some tips on better managing your time. Stop jumping around. The keyword for many years has been "multitask." And while multitasking is a very important trait to master, what many people believe is multitasking is just task abandonment. Finishing one task and then moving on to another is better than juggling two or three assignments at once. If you need to multitask, save that skill for last-minute pinches when you have no other choice. You'll likely be more relaxed, better organized and much more focused if you try to do the majority of tasks at one time. Instead, remind yourself to stop moving on if you feel you're drifting to something else. Write down your main tasks for the day and follow the list.

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