Monday 27 January 2014

World Economic Forum in Switzerland stood for Timi Dakolo's Great Nation

Timi rendering Great Nation
Timi Dakolo performed at the Nigerian Soiree at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland which took place on January 23, 2014.

Present at the event included President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Nigeria’s Ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein; Fidelia Njeze, Aliko Dangote , Tony Elumelu, Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT);  Distinguished Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed and his wife Aisha, British-Ghanaian top fashion designer Ozwald Boateng, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu and many others.

The artiste performed his inspirational hit single Great Nation; a track that has been touted by most music pundits as the next National Anthem of Nigeria, due to the message it passes across.

The World Economic Forum founded by Professor Klaus Schwab is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Monday 20 January 2014

COSON member, Bishop Adejube, gets Grammy recognition certificate

A strong member and staunch supporter of COSON, American-based Bishop Adejube, has being presented with a Grammy recognition certificate by Recording Academy, owners of the Grammy Brand.

In a message received sent to us, Bishop was given the highest membership contribution honour in the Academy for his contributions to the Academy and the music industry worldwide.

This honour probably made the affiliate entertainment consultant the only known Nigerian to have received such an honor.

Better known in most social circle as Nigeria’s Don King in America, Bishop said, “I care to share this moment with everyone listed on this email as COSON members/supporters and to encourage you that there is NO LIMIT to COSON and her members, if only we stay true to the game, stay focus and above all, SPEAK IN ONE VOICE.”

He also advised that COSON should start thinking of partnership with the Recording Academy (Grammy) this year because there is so much that such partnership can bring to table for COSON and her members worldwide.

Friday 17 January 2014

Engaging change: six tips for surviving and thriving

How we engage change personally can make a huge difference – and I'm convinced we can have greater success on a individual level if we follow a few simple practices, such as:

1. Stay Involved: Whether we're a high-profile superstar or an unsung hero, the work we do contributes to a common good. If we back off in the face of change, important connections and communication lines start to fade away. Instead of withdrawing, refocus and think "excellence." In every aspect of your job, ask yourself, "If someone else were looking at my work, would they consider it to be excellent?"
Aside from an internal attitude of staying involved, we can also join a committee or a project team. Our purpose should be to stay plugged into the projects occurring throughout our organization.

2. Keep an Eye on the Big Picture: Since our workplace is more than just our own workstation, we can look at how change is occurring at all levels. Even the picture outside the organization needs to be considered: global markets are expanding, technology is improving, budgets are getting tighter, and consumers are better-informed and more involved than ever before.
We must also keep an eye on changes in our individual industries. To could be involved by staying active in professional associations, reading industry journals, attending conferences, and even surfing the Internet for industry news.
Also, our company's long-term goals (including Vision and Mission statements) should directly influence how we interpret what we see happening around us.

3. Talk and Listen: We will better be able to interpret the events around us if we stay in tune with others about what's going on. This means not only talking with others about what we're seeing, but seeking out and considering their observations, too.

Not only can we can learn from others in our work area, but also from people in other parts of the company—or even from outside the company. Ask people their perspective of how recent changes are affecting their work and how they're dealing with the obstacles.

4 Look for Ways to Be of Value: As I've said many times before, solving problems is part of every job. Therefore, since change always brings new problems, we must resolve to be part of the solution.
Think of it this way: It's one thing to identify a problem, it's something else to solve it.
Most leadership development programs have self-awareness as a foundational starting point. That practice is equally valid in the face of change. Knowing our strengths and weaknesses gives us a better idea of how to adapt as needed.
For example: Conduct a personal SWOT Analysis. Compare your strengths and weaknesses with the opportunities and threats that accompany any change. Then decide how to capitalize on your strengths and what needs to be shored up on your weaknesses to take advantage of opportunities and also minimize any threats.

5. Be Flexible: Look for ways to blend changes into your normal routine. Think in terms of creating new traditions, or new systems.
Naturally, we need to maintain efficiency and effectiveness, but flexibility allows us to roll with the changes instead of slam up against them. We can be flexible in our attitude and our responsibilities. One person I know put it like this: "Be keen on finding efficient ways for adapting to new realities."

6 Learn From Your Network: Since our network of contacts are probably facing similar changes, they serve as a sounding board as well as a safety net. Former classmates, former co-workers, people you know who have "been there" are all people from whom we can learn. I like the Benjamin Franklin quote, "If we don't hang together, we're going to hang separately."
From a purely pragmatic standpoint, we should gather details about change so we can determine how it affects us.
Bottom line: How we approach change affects its impact on us. We can work to accommodate it, or we might get flattened as it rolls over us. As always, what we do is a choice.

 Copyright © Dan Bobinski, used with permission

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Royalty issue: Oshiomhole, Igbinedion supports COSON

Copyright Society of Nigeria (COSON) seems to be wining the royalty issue ‘war’ as more people signs on to the ‘Let the music pay’ campaign.

The latest voices being that of the Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole and Esama of Benin, Chief Gabriel Igbinedion who believes broadcasting stations in Nigeria should pay royalties for use of music.

Oshiomhole promised to ensure that Edo State Broadcasting Service pays royalty while defaulters should be sanction to serve as a deterrent to others. He said the time has come for those in authorities to enforce copyright laws in Nigeria the way it is done in South Africa, Europe and America.

“You don’t sermonize to people to desist from crime, you sanction. That is what the so called rule of law is all about – the ability to reward good behavior and also to sanction negative behavior including theft of intellectual property, calling it by its proper name,” Oshiomhole said.

On his part, the Esama of Benin, Chief Gabriel Igbinedion pledged that all his organizations including ITV and independent Radio would comply immediately with the payment of royalties.

In the delegation led by COSON Chairman, Chief Tony Okoroji were the likes of music icon, Prof. (Sir) Victor Uwaifo, Mr. Sunny Neji, Banky W, Osayomore Joseph and numerous members of COSON in Edo State. Also in the delegation were COSON General Manager, Mr. Chinedu Chukwuji and COSON Coordinator in Edo/Delta States, Prince Biodun Egwakhide